Noluvuyo Mqikela

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Xhosa, English and Zulu

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A272A Site c Khayelitsha 7784

About me

I have a diploma in law currently working for LAW FOR ALL that where i have gained the following experience Assisting with searching and checking public records on behalf of attorneys
Updating file registers
Drafting new cases
Assisting with collecting, retrieving send analysing information relevant to litigation cases
Managing and organising cases
Maintain case files
Drafting legal documents
Corresponding and liaising with the client and third party
Assisting with legal administration
Track client’s sent documents
Provide client with relevant feedback of the case 

Work Experience

Law for all head office 2022 - 2024 Assisting with searching and checking public records on behalf of attorneys Updating file registers Drafting new cases Assisting with collecting, retrieving send analysing information relevant to litigation cases Managing and organising cases Maintain case files Drafting legal documents Corresponding and liaising with the client and third party Assisting with legal administration Track client’s sent documents Provide client with relevant feedback of the case
Call centre agent
Inuka fragrances head office 2015 - 2022 Answer inbound and outbound calls. Create ticket on CRM. Follow up orders with the courier. Track Orders and payments.


Law 2020 - 2023 I have completed Diploma in law qualification
Simunye High
Grade 12 2007 - 2009


0 Base on 0 reviews
Working attitude
Progressive working attitude
Team work
Good teamwork spirit
Skill & Experience
Skills and experience meet well
Offered Salary
Suitable salary


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