Dineo Lehloka

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About me

A determined and self-driven Industrial Engineering Graduate with over 2 years professional working experience. My approach to my work goes beyond my job description and I am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure all tasks provided to me are completed to the best of my ability. Successfully completed a BTech in Industrial Engineering through the Vaal University of Technology in 2017.

With excellent communication, networking and well-developed interpersonal skills I integrate well within a team and have the ability to form trusted relationships with subordinates, clients as well as superiors.

While focusing on the job, I am able to keep my eye on the horizon, growing and adapting organically to the environment that I am placed in. My proven track record of responsibility, integrity and commitment to company objectives has allowed me to be innovative in unlocking my growth. It is my strong belief that the detail lies in the execution, focus and timing.

My working style is based onmutual respect, honest communication and trust while keeping an eye on the bottom line.  I maintain a strong work ethics and governance and have a healthy competitive attitude and thrive under pressure.


Professional Capabilities:


  • Reviewing production schedules, processes, specifications, and related information.
  • Designing production processes that maximize efficiency and reduce waste.
  • Developing and implementing process improvements and technological upgrades.
  • Designing control systems to minimize costs and production issues.
  • Developing design and production standards in cooperation with management and user personnel.
  • Preparing material and equipment lists, purchase orders, cost analyses, and estimated production costs.
  • Designing the layout of facilities and determining personnel requirements.
  • Training staff for new processes and providing instructions and manuals.
  • Managing process documentation and preparing production reports.
  • Demand planning and supply chain management.
  • Quality control to determine defects and improve product quality.



  • Baccalaureus Technologiae (BTech):Industrial Engineering
  • National Diploma: Industrial Engineering
  • Matric Certificate

In addition to these qualifications, my keen attention to detail and strong time management skills are what I think sets me apart from other candidates. If you’re interested in discussing this opportunity further, then please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration.


Dineo Precious Lehloka

081 546 5328

083 265 2303



Work Experience

Industrial Engineering Professional In Training
Andru Mining June 3, 2024 - November 29, 2024 • Updating online production system. • Adding machines on the production system and removing machines no longer used on sites. • Creating beginning and end of shift time for morning and afternoon shift. • Creating line up, production reports and analyzing data • Capturing and uploading downtime for all the machines used on sites. • Solving fuel exceptions issues for each site.
Industrial Engineering Graduate Trainee
Mercedes-Benz October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2020 • Demand planning and supply chain management for cars to be audited. • Quality control to determine defects and improve product quality. • Conducting Process Audits and Quality feedback loops Audits. • Drafting and creating Audit report and present it to the Process Owner. • Prepare and perform audit together with Process owner. • Performing planned and unplanned Audits. • Creating awareness and campaigns for new quality issues. • Planning for Torque Audits. • Understanding Audit core tools activities. • Problem solving using 8D principles for Torque issues in the production line.


Industrial Engineering
BTech February 1, 2016 - April 6, 2017 BTech: Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering
National Diploma June 4, 2012 - September 7, 2016 National Diploma: Industrial Engineering


0 Base on 0 reviews
Working attitude
Progressive working attitude
Team work
Good teamwork spirit
Skill & Experience
Skills and experience meet well
Offered Salary
Suitable salary


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